CEO Coombes"We've de-risked the property significantly. We have a drill program plan. It's an ex-producer; it's produced significant grades in the past. We believe it's going to produce significant grades in the future.
Projects like this are few and far between. Given the past, and then given the present; when I talk about the present, so far to date, the work that we've accomplished on the property certainly indicates that there's enormous potential, within the known zones and along strike, within the property boundaries, to basically develop a very significant deposit.
The stockpile is potentially a serious bonus here. We weren't expecting it when we picked the property up. We were quite surprised, to date, with the grades that we've been able to recover with our assays, with the trenching we've completed so far.
So why should somebody invest? Well, you're in a financial market right now, where I believe gold is going to be king again. It's already on its way. You're looking at a material that's sought after. You're looking at a project, sitting in a geopolitically safe place.
You're looking at a location where people are mining-friendly, 35 minutes away from us, from the town, which means if you do develop a mine, you're not spending additional significant amounts of money on camp, et cetera, et cetera.
It's actually a well-rounded property that could deliver a significant upside to shareholders that are invested in it. I think that time will tell, but I believe that the property is going to be a winner."