In Warke We TrustLooks like the stock has been held down until Warke bought out some of David Beling’s shares (former ceo). It was stuck in the 23 c USD (29c CDN) for some time no matter how many shares I acquired on the market. Imagine other former directors cashed out as well at the same time. Those guys haven’t received a pay day in a long time. I’ve spoken to the prior CEO & the new CEO and I’ve taken 0.5% of the company. I like what’s going on in this district. The new team are looking to build a mine here. They already have a good enough project but they’re going to look to expand the resource first. New CEO, Maryse Belanger, is the perfect person for the task at hand. She built the open pit mine at Atlantic Gold in Nova Scotia in 1 year back in 2016 which is “Unheard of in the industry.” & controlled the cost very well with no overun. The AISC there was one of the industry lowest costs of $550/ oz USD AISC & the mine was sold for $800m after proving it could be expanded. That was few years ago. Gold price is much higher now and will be much much higher by the time they finish building the heap leach mine here. She knows what she is doing and she sees upside here at Bullfrog. Perhaps the same game plan as Atlantic with some M&A as mentioned in the presentation slides. I speculate a combo with Corvus. & Warke has been working on a lot of Superpits this cycle so stay tuned with this one. 2021 should be fun. In Warke we trust.