RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Going over 4 dollars with any positive news. Thanks for the reply, you make some interesting points. On the other hand as someone in business when someone wants to come and sell me something I take a critical ok at it, the supply in the marketplace, the history of the product and the firm. The first question i would ask as a potential customer is why don't you have Health Canada and FDA approval if you are from Canada and claim your test is so good? Of course hearing their explanation of no FDA and HC even though they were applied for, I would be thinking in the back of my mind, why do I need all of this uncertainty of a product when I have 125 other products to choose from including some that are FDA and HC approved and from big reputable pharma? Just from a business point of view knowing what I know about the test (and that is more than a lot of potential EU customers I am pretty sure) it would be a career shortening move to stick my neck out and accept this much risk with so many alternatives in the market place.
I haven't even spoke about price, Roche and Abbott signed a 20M rapid antigen test deal with the EU for about $6.20 USD...Sona had anticipated selling their test for quite a bit more than that but the delay has resulted in more entrants into the market and a drop in price. Given that market price environment, it will be tough for Sona to make money off any sale in those conditions even if they can get them....
Not saying its impossible but I don't like the odds.....