Only The Smart Investors Use Stockhouse It's very obvious that only the best and smartest investors post on stockhouse. Even warren buffet has a reputation ranking of 100584 on Stockhouse. He's very active, and everyone listens to his realistic and practical approach on stockhouse, because the users of stockhouse bull boards represent the best minds the stock market has to offer!
some people would say only inexperienced idiots looking for a handout, that are too stupid to think for themseleves use stockhouse. I say that's nonsense!
Adonis asked when he should buy back in to a board of hundreds of strangers all with their own best Interests in mind. That took guts! And obviously he's leaps and bounds ahead
of investors that do their own due diligence.
I am honoured and humbled to be in the company of such remarkable minds! I feel unworthy to even post here, I am but a jester among kings
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