Great drill hole from Sun SummitSMN is halted this morning for the release of its 2020 Phase II Buck drill results. They do not disappoint. Far from it, with the highlight, Hole BK20-12 reporting not one, but four significant gold intercepts, two of them with far higher grades and thicknesses than ever seen before at Buck. Hole BK20-12 reported 40.5 metres grading 1.03 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq), including 19.5 metres grading 1.66 g/t gold equivalent starting at 7.5 metres, AND 17 metres grading 5.89 g/t AuEq, including 3 metres grading 32.1 g/t AuEq, AND 7.5 metres grading 10.29 AuEq, including 1.5 metres grading 49.74 g/t AuEq, AND (at the bottom of the hole) 12.7 metres grading 1.05 g/t AuEq, including1 metre grading 7.54 g/t AuEq. Gold equivalent numbers are gold and silver only, almost entirely gold in most cases. That is one heck of a drill hole and there is a lot to unpack about it. The headline numbers that will grab attention as they should are the high-grade ones. I did a quick technical call with management and they noted that the high-grade material is different than what they have seen before at Buck, with the gold carried by fine quartz/pyrite/sphalerite veinlets. The high-grade zones have a close spatial relationship to recently recognized WNW trending quartz feldspar porphyritic dykes that may have provided zones of weakness for repeated fluid pulses to travel along while the system was active. It is important to note that these high-grade intervals occur between the Horseshoe and Trench zones in an area that has never been drilled before. There is about three hundred meters of open space, east-west, between the two known zones and the area is wide open to depth and to the north and south. Hole 12 is the only hole drilled into this area but its going to get plenty of company as SMN chases these high-grade zones during the next phase of drilling which will start ASAP.