Lesson #201......DASHWhy a company does a name change?
Poor Management decision to start. Limited experience in this sector leads to poor decision making by management....one of the first signs to stay away from the company.
Poor track record by DASH now with a new symbol they think they can attract new (crazy) investors. Well if you want to be a bag holder buy as much as you can.
Also when issuing a news release don't lie to the investors....read the bottom of the news release. They have Zero $$$ invested in blockchain technologies so why is that put in there....BECAUSE they want to mis-lead investors...that's what poor management does !! Good luck to the bag holders.
This is taken from the news release dated 2021-01-05
About Neptune Digital Assets Corp.
The company has a diversified cryptocurrency portfolio with investments made in top-market cap tokens, proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies(they have not staked anything), decentralized finance and associated blockchain technologies.(What technology do they own.....ZERO)