GREY:EPWCF - Post by User
Comment by
AG111111on Jan 06, 2021 2:20pm
Post# 32234559
RE:RE:RE:RE:CBDTEmpower Clinics :
1-The only Six Sigma CEO running a small cap company
2-Partnership between Loop Insight, Empower and SimpliFlying probably have the best solution in the world for opening up travel (Travel Bubble)
3-Anticipating Kai medical labs to hit capacity and actively looking to expand capacity for the demand that is coming.
4-$7 million in the Bank
5-Approaching a $100 million MC, yet the stock price still sits at half that.
6-Actively looking for East and West coast medical labs
7-In talks with numerous companies big and small to open up travel and other areas of daily life
8-Acquisition of several clinics in Canada with an agressive expansion to possibly 30 in a short time.
9-API Pharma Partnership with antigen test kits going out across US and Health Canada application confirmed for the rapid antigen test.
10-FDA approved COVID Saliva test for work and home went out Dec 17. Existing clients are moving to the Saliva PCR test because it is less intrusive and no med tech needed to administer the test.
11-Building out a website for Kai medical labs for at home, business, or carehome test products where they will be able to add various male and female health test kits. This will include or start with the various high demand COVID-19 tests.
12-Week over week numbers from the lab have been jumping significantly and the month over month numbers are substantially larger.