Compare Musgave Minerals With MurchisonMusgave has a market cap of $205 million with 5 properties in the Murchison Region of Australia ...
It has had some very nice intersections at one of its properties lately which has boosted its market cap.
It has approximately 950,000 ounces in the indicated and Inferred Categories and is not close to production decision.
So, it is being valued at about $210 per ounce of 43-101 gold in the ground.
Monument has about 650,000 ounces in all categories in its Murchison properties with substantial greenfield exploration in its extensive properties along with highly probable brownfield beneath almost all of its dozen or so pits along with a fully equipped mil and most of the equipment for heap leaching.
I see no reason why our Murchison assets could not approach the valuation of Musgrave, once it has fully resumed production ........especially if exploration results in new discoveries along the way