mystronzo Caught with His Pence DownYou riskymanager of a underwiper you! ewe sea.
Another phony resurrected from 2011,
Soon in poster purgatory, as maestro's blevin.
2014 you were such a pumper,
Now you're a phony political stumper.
Where's Rosy? Oh under your tail.
She is you and you are she,
You're the riskiestmanager
Under the tree.
You have me on ignore
Ewe sea? stupido, keep that way.
Stop posting about me,
I've spurned you for decades.
You can handle rejection, can you?
You never were presidential, you clown
Aha, you were caught with your pence down.
LMAO@U cuz your depends is full
Of your dribbly brains.