RE:I see skies of blue, House and Senate tooSure Nailz, here you go.
Nailbiter1 wrote: And I think to myself...
Huntsy, could you please tag this so all my iggy friends can read?
In 2016, Trump won the presidency, had control of the senate
and had control of the house.
In one single term he managed to squander all three.
Plus, he got impeached.
His HUGE loss was his own doing.
His massive rallies drove covid spikes in those rally counties.
As his people shut down the government, twice, he went golfing.
As Americans died of covid, he went golfing.
As Americans starved and got evicted, he went golfing.
One third of the time he served as president was spent golfing.
He single handedly destroyed the republican party.
Shredded the constitution and pushed the legal limits of every loop hole
and warped "we the people" into "me the ruler".
Is that a leader? Is that a winner?
Looks to me like he's the biggest loser in American politics... Ever.
He is a corrupt opportunist who found a base of moronic meat heads willing to swallow his BS and lies, willing to believe the world is flat and willing to follow him to the edge.
Now he will reap the consequences of his reign of terror.
The only ray of sunlight for Donald J. Trump is that there is a mini-putt at Club Fed
so he can continue to do what he does best.
Trump's #1 pundit and brown-noser, Rick Santorum, was on CNN this morning
blaming this crush completely on a president who chose to ride the crazy train.
"He said too much and went way too far. Nobody believes him anymore and nobody cares".
He continues. "The senate loss is on his shoulders. He made it all about him and it came back to bite him".
"If it looks like a dumpster fire and smells like a dumpster fire, it's a dumpster fire".
The Capitol siege will be Trump's ugly legacy... Fitting.
Now, a bunch of clowns have taken the join session hostage.
Sweeter the victory for Biden.