Well got an av price of around .82
Was kinda getting exciting , but today for some reason the PGM s got hit big time, wonder if it has to do with bitcoin chasing. Seems bitcoin is the flavour of the day as they say. Well wait for bitcoin too come down the other side of that parabolic move, once it goes down the otherside watch the panic selling.
I mean what with the COVID news does not inspire the markets really, it should not do that too gold and silver. I think it was a major trader like JP Morgan and others that took gold down with paper of course ya all heard of fools gold well its the other stuff they deal in too control the market aka paper gold and paper silver aka the futures.
Fat finger maybe??? Just doesn:t jive with me when the jobs numbers were worse then expected and now Biden is a shoe in and he is calling for not $600 cheques but $2,000 and a 2 or 3 TRILLION dollar infastructure spend.