Brace Yourself for the coming weeks ahead, FolksGood Morning folks,
We all have witnessed another hit on the controlled- manipulated price of gold and silver this week while Bitcoin and other illusions of wealth sky rocket. I could share my insight why but feel it beyond mid-night and hopefully those who care? understand we all crossed the Rubicon this week.
One note, when we all excepted the explanations for 9/11 and witnessed the consequences of this controlled and planned event ....we all collective got what we deserved....Steel buildings never free fall from normal heat of combustion fire....the Biggest clue was always Building seven WTC7....I digress.
Regarding this will remain what it is!...until a major change in leadership and fresh direction...the rest is all of us .....wishing for something that historical has been proven ... not been real....change...
This needs to happen now..regarding know and i know it does not free fall in one day ...not to mention the price of silver...white is black..good is bad....we have entered an Orwellian world...and we have just begun...out come to be seen..... SOON...