GREY:BHNGF - Post by User
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geodcanon Jan 09, 2021 4:17pm
Post# 32261828
Is the latest little spike up
Is the latest little spike upjust a kneejerk reaction to the Democrat win in Georgia or are these guys going to try to raise this whale off the bottom. Do they have a plan and can they do it. I am a big believer in Fed descheduling of marijuana in the US launching the biggest greenrush the world is ever going to see and there are a lot of MSOs sitting pretty with potential by relying on State law protection or pharma use protection that has allowed them to build decent companies even with Fed bs hanging over them. I think Bhang has lost control over their destiny or don't have what it takes to get them on the road to recovery. I also think they squandered all of that ipo potential and continue to run this like a private company. Their latest actions since the ipo have soured me as an investor as I watched $10k @ .60 c flicker away to where we are now. At one time I really liked this company! $10k worth of like, all the while I invested in Dixie too and watched what happened there which is hugely dissapointing. Same pedigree company, same amount of skus, same ten year tenure and a going concern that got sheistered into managements pockets. Sitting on your hands and stagnating a company is no way to pocket the assets but a sure way to lose trust and integrity. glta and dyodd