The "P" Valuewhat is the "P" value, simply said it's the value of probability. Once all available data is used we then can come up with a probability percentage. In the case of Sona it's the probability of sales. Once all data had been input the "P" value gives us numbers of the probability of sales from Sona at 98.374%. That is sales in general. When the data is broken down more the data begins to show the probability of small sales, medium sales and large sales. So as the data indicated the probability of sales in general is 98.374%, that percentage decreases with the size of sales probability factor. Small amount of sales is almost a 100%, a few thousandths of a percentage point less. The probability percentage of medium sales is 99.137% and the probability of large sales are 82.929%. This is part of the information the institutional investors now use to make informed decisions before investing. Luck all