Breadth indicators.
Market Breadth Indicators are powerful technical analysis tools that gauge the direction of the market and help traders determine if it's bullish, bearish or neutral.
In a way they are indicators of market sentiment that allow traders to see how the market performs as a whole. Breadth indicators are often used in combination with other indicators to confirm trends.
Simple example.
Me, Wilander, Maxxprop9, Jimmycash, woffer9 and of course Socrates. Imagin us sitting at a black jack table in a casino. The cards are unpredictable. Some will win some will loose.
There is one person at the table that has an advantage over us. That would be Socrates. He is a card counter(technical analysis).
Casino's do not like card counters; however, it does not matter in the stock market.
If your short term or long term investor, Breath indicators are vital tools for many seasoned investors.
For most investors:
Technical analysis = Boaring It's very dry and takes many years of trial an error to figure it out.
If you can get there: Technical analysis cancels Emotion.
If you can eliminate emotion, your good to go.
Your better prepared when times are good or bad.