Gratomic Details 2 of x“Just wanted to put something in perspective for you guys. TODAQ contract is for 5,000 tonnes over 3 years. That works out to roughly 1667 tonnes a year. And now remember that GRAT has a stock pile sitting at the mine ( I believe in the 1500-2000 tonnes area). So I'm guessing that stock pile will be used to fulfill the first "year" for TODAQ. Now that just leaves 1667 tonnes over two years. And with the mine producing 20,000 tonnes in call in 6-8 weeks (depending on commissioning etc), thats LESS THAN 10% of our yearly capacity. And we are getting USD$25 MIL from that contract ( on the save side at 30 cent for TDN could easily be 75MIL). That still leaves us 90% of capacity a year (18000 tonnes) and call it 3000USD a ton (SUPER SAVE) which is 54,000,000USD A YEAR! So let's play the other side here. "TODAQ deal is fluff" "TODAQ has no value". Ok congrats. But we still have 18,000 tonnes of Graphite to sell a YEAR! Anyways, just wanted to get my thoughts out there. Despite some peoples thoughts, I think this is a great NR for GRAT moving forward, I get the skeptics about TODAQ but remember, this deal is for LESS THAN 10% of our YEARLY capacity. I will be buying more stock. “