RE:SCY'S Putnam and IPG'S Cashin on ScandiumThe investorintel interview. I will not post a link, here’s why.
They start with, Scandium is an element. I did not know that thanks GP, What, it’s element 21? Again thanks guys. where do I invest? You can’t make this up.
George Putnam really needs to refrain from the temptation to do these kind of interviews. They are damaging. It hands others the chance to narrate their misinformed opinions about Scandium and thusly about SCY. The BOD need to put a harness on this. They need to approve of all his webinar ambitions and promoting attempts. And ask themselves is this the message and audience we are moving towards instead of the one we have already. Jack Litton has just enough time to say I only know of Scandium being used in SOFC’s. Great, that’s great. Thanks for coming out. These guys have stopped learning. Don’t listen to them. Do you think any of those people own any Bitcoin or even know how to buy some? They don’t get it. The worst part, GP thinks he is doing the right thing. But I have to ask, isn’t it time for SCY grows up and creates it's own narrative. And stop the discussion panel version of what Scandium and SCY is? It’s not a discussion anymore. Shape it, then promote it. I call on the Evensens' and the BOD need to intervene when GP wants to speak in these group discussions going forward. The BOD needs to approve any of his marketing attempts. "Well it’s an element”. How ing about it’s going to revolutionize the Alloy business. You don’t get it! STOP.
SCY is on the cusp of greatness and the BOD allows this kind of low budget panel discussion. SCY could have multiple suitors soon bidding up the shares. It’s in the ESG sweet spot. Act like it.