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Sixth Wave Innovations Inc SIXWF

Sixth Wave Innovations Inc. is a Canada-based nanotechnology company with patented technologies. The Company is focused on the extraction and detection of target substances at the molecular level using specialized molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). The Company’s product brands include AMIPs, IXOS and Affinity. The IXOS is a line of extraction polymers formulated for deployment in the gold mining industry. The Affinity system is using its MIPs, which are designed to capture and extract cannabinoids from filtered crude extracts without the use of traditional winterization and distillation. The Company’s patent portfolio covers extensions of the designs for extraction and purification of other critical metals including nickel, cobalt, rare earth elements, and platinum group metals. It also designs, develops and commercializes MIP solutions across a spectrum of industries.

GREY:SIXWF - Post by User

Post by Bakunin6on Jan 13, 2021 4:14pm
Post# 32287442

The new standard

The new standardFor weed oil extraction?
Love it,  best rumour of the week
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