HIVE I'm a rookie at this stuff, but HIVE made me some decent coin. One of the few which didn't leave me holding the bag. I sold after a good rally and felt good for the first time in a while (about finally choosing a winner). My dumb a$s bought back in at a higher price thinking ethereum doing well, would mean we'd continue to do well. I sold today because I cannot shake the feeling of a sell off coming soon, and trading sideways despite ETH still holding well, had me biting my nails too much for comfort.
I already want to buy back in. As a few of you have said ETH is a big part of what HIVE does, WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE MAKING GAINS AND HIVE JUST CHILLEN!? HIVE looks good on paper but the others whom have debts and other bad things in comparison, are the ones who are still gaining??
thanks for reading my rant
want back in but too scared to be holding the bag at $2.95 - $3.05