Investment re-iteration = Green Bad, Oil GoodI've been getting a few private messages asking about stocks and portfolios so I thought I'd share some thoughts for those interested.
I know a few people don't like my posts so all i can say to them is "don't read them".
Anyway, as I've been saying for a little while, anything green including the pure renewblres is grossly over-priced and headed for a 10-20% correction in the next months. On the other hand, the midstreamers are grossly under-priced and headed for a run-up.
I didn't think it would be this quick but I think these moves are now underway. As mentioned, we sold all our BEP.UN and had tiimmed 30% of our NPI. I just trimmed another 800 shares of NPI this morning at $47.22. It's a big capital gains (as our avg buy price is $21.39) but I managed to do some good Excel/Taxtips tax work to sneak it in and avoid OAS clawbacks.
I'm not sure what we'll do with the dough as we have full positions in everything we like. Maybe use some of it for trading and give some extra to the kids & grandkids.
On ENB specifically, I still think it is going to hit $50 sometime by end of May. I'm not sure if it will be able to hold that price as there is going to be a fair amount of trading and speculating on it. Bottom line is I wouldn't be selling now.