RE:16.5 cents CAD today - Who has the BUY rating on this beaut?The only thing really getting "nailed" are retail holders - IMHO ; - )
Nice bullboard ; - )
Too bhaad the Beech Boys can't guide the "sheeples" to buy at these levels ; - (
If only we could find that youthful enthusiasm we had from the ENTIRE "cast of characters when 55 cents CAD was the price...
Hmmmmm...what happened to BUY loe..sell HIGH??
FDA Fast-track...Princess Maggie up in Toronna...MacGill, London Health?
To think, the gent from that Dragon Fire show has a 1.5 BILLION valuation on his little ACID company...have they gotten anyone high yet...( AKA - started a trial ; - ( )
Sickening...BUT OH so telling ; - )