RE:Sorry Guys
mississauga1 wrote: Another week gone , Time for a reality check boys .
Another group of New NXO investors feel the pain us long term holders have been feeling for 4 years. Cycle of Hope, anticipation waiting and always ending with deception as the company doesn't deliver and stays quiet.
Cant help but feel sorry for the people who think NXO is on the Snapdragon Chip in the Samsung s21 Phone.
Its like NXO is selling us all a dream. Oldest trick in the book. Thats why the lottery is now one of the biggest cash cow's for Gov's. Selling a dream to desperate fools.
a fleet of employees and board members getting paid big salaries. doing what exactly ? I dont know.... Couldnt be customer service as there are no customers. IR is just ...well ... you know ... all that for 0$ in sales.
Have a nice weekend Boys ! The pain continues Next week
Well said. The only thing Nexoptic ever managed to sell is dreams and their shares. This is not an option, it's a fact.
After RG came on board, for a while I thought things would change and we would have transparency and accountability from management. Today we still have no deals, no revenue, and no guidance. Investors are left in the dark guessing and hoping. Not much has changed since's sad but true.