PYR CEO flames soft basher on Agoracom...epic Peter sounds chipper and very confident. Got to love his wit and humor in dealing w soft bashers with a hidden agenda as we all know
The Elephant is Back in the Room...Olderguy1
Did you know? Olderguy1 has been a member since Aug 28, 2020
posted on Dec 08, 2020 07:05PM
Peter, please tell this board when you expect to be ready to accept a large torch order. When do think you will be able to say to the iron pellet customers "I have given due consideration to all your requirements. Just tell me how many. I will sell you directly or help arrange for you to lease as many torches as you want". Many of us would like to know what many are afraid to ask, when will YOU be ready Peter?
Dear Olderguy1,
You crack me up.
The truth is I never thought of taking that approach. Why don’t we just ask them to buy? Damn! Who would have thought it could be so simple, eh?
I am on it right now.
Thanks in advance.
I will report to you on the results as soon as I have them.
Thanks for such insight. In the future please don’t keep these gems bottled up. A Seth Godin you are not, but keep ‘em coming anyways
Thanks again.
Dear Olderguy1,
I could toast you so badly right now, but my Mom says I am not allowed to burn trash.