Looks like Evan got caught in a lie about NASDAQ....
Watching the recent interview and hearing him talk about how the two short attacks with all the short and distort info that got spewed by "opinion" and unscrupulous shorters, he says now that THAT was the reason behind the NASDAQ slow walk... that NASDAQ was even more apprehensive and doing a lot of further mucking around to see if NTAR was on the up and up.
BUT listening to other interviews, the reason he gave was thet Covid and a surge in potential listings of other companies on NASDAQ AND the filing of NTAR's quarter report AND the closing of the financing was the reason why things were taking longer.
WELL???? Which one was it Evan??? I knew something was up in the earlier interview weeks ago when he was laughing nervously when mentioning about whether it was more important to focus listing quickly on NASDAQ as opposed to coming out with the quarter numbers and financing rather than risk being delisted. At least we all know what his lying mode looks like.
Also, was never a fan of Bitcoin nor cyrptocurrencies. It's just a way to further contyrol people. It's backed on nothing. I was disappointed when Nextech announced buying some. Call me "old school" but gold never loses its value. Central banks buy mainly gold to shore up their power. I remember my grandmother (who lived through TWO world wars) telling me back in thjose wartime days, if you didn't have gold, you didn't eat. Still holds true today.... find a buried chest of gold somewhere, and even after hundreds or thousands of years, it still has its value.
I'm still long on NTAR, but sold off 35% of my shares and bought one of the best well kept secrets out there (and not for long maybe).....PKK instead who are going to beat $40 million this year ehnd 4th quarters and ramping up to be a monster cash cow generator for this year and for the coming years to come.
I got burned big time with Nortel years ago, gonna be more careful this time. I still believe in the NTAR story, but things are a bvit too stagnant right now imho. I like Evan still, but when you see inconsistencies like these, you have to step back and question a bit. It's normal.
Good day,