Route 109I'm surprised there hasn't been more excitement here over Route 109. The recently completed high resolution heli-borne magnetic survey reveals prominent magnetic features throughout the property. Both the nearby Vezza and Douay gold deposits are assoicated with high magnetic signatures. Relevant excerpts from the January 7, 2021 NR: Toronto, Ontario – (January 7, 2021) – Frontline Gold Corporation (TSX-V:FGC) (“Frontline” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on the exploration status of its Route 109 Property (“Property”). The Property is contiguous to the Maple Gold Exploration and Agnico Eagles consolidated joint property package (see Figure 1 below).
In November 2020 the Company announced that it had jointly retained Prospectair Geosurveys Inc. of Gatineau, Quebec, to complete a high resolution heli-borne magnetic survey of the Frontline’s Route 109 Project (“Property”) and the north eastern portion of Maple Gold Exploration’s Douay Project (see the Company’s press release dated November 12, 2020). A total of 1,234 line-km at 50-metre flight line spacings was flown for Frontline’s Route 109 Property. The final report detailing the results of the MAG survey has been received and the data reveals prominent magnetic features throughout the Property vastly enhancing its geological and structural make-up.
Frontline’s primary interest to date on the Property has been the exploration potential of the Property given the limited historical drilling in a geological environment where significant high-grade and silver intersections have been encountered in the historical drilling which have occurred along the northern boundary. The high-resolution MAG survey results now accentuates the potential for the Property to host various styles of possible gold mineralization including:
1) A fold nose on the northeast corner of the property along an apparent structural trend.
2) High-magnetic intensity bodies possibly representing mafic to ultramafic intrusive rocks and possible iron formation. These could be sources of iron for sulphidation of magnetic minerals.
3) Various magnetic intensities possibly reflecting rheology contrasts focusing alteration, deformation and mineralization.
And let's not forget about NE Bachelor in Quebec, Crooked Pine in Ontario, and Menderes in Turkey. FGC is a real wildcard at 0.03 and has multi-bagger written all over it.