Re:didipioDirk--very encouraging language for sure; I think it more important, or equally as important, that the language from resistance groups has changed from implying that they have been successful in preventing the FTAA ---to sort of resigning themselves to the reality of mining being part of the Philippine economic recovery plans (basically the whole world as well) post covid. Note in the article I posted from Mining Watch Canada, stating that there is no 'social license' to operate. In fact the opposite is true---the vast majority of people in the vicinity of Didipio are in favour of Oceana getting the FTAA--for obvious economic and social reasons.
With respect to the gradual restart Oceana is appropriately cautious; it will be time consuming and expensive..However, Oceana has the new credit facility from big established lenders and although cash flow has been significantly hindered, there is some organic cash. Should POG remain above $1800 things will only get better as 2021 progresses. IMO