Arrakis37 wrote:
First, Trump have been the catalyst of what was already there : an unsolved Civil War, 150 years of constant conflicts between two irreconcilable visions of the country. Thanks to him, now it can't be ignored anymore. He can't salvage the country, he worsened the situation...
Second, You're right, USA is a republic. But a republic is a form of government where democracy is the ideology. USA is called a democratic republic. Therefore, Democrats and Republicans are using the same constitution and the same ideology.
Read this, it's very well explained.
Third, I will not leave the board because I'm right. But if in the case of a sudden surprise, Trump stay president despite of every conclusion, every analysis, from every single political science expert, that means, one man can have this gigantic power and he will instantly become the most dangerous person on earth. Consequently, I will need to hide myself... at least temporarily. LOL (I'm laughing but it's not funny at all)
Fourth, demonizing Biden/Harris is not a good way to heal your country. In fact, Biden is probably your better chance to start a reunification. But do you want that ?
Fifth, four presidents have been assassinated since 1865. It's the most dangerous job in the world. Think about it. Is that your future ? Extremists from all political orientation just want violence and destabilize the country. They're using disinformation to maintain your frustration. I really hope you'll begin to see the consequences...
Sixth, I invite you to ask yourself what you want to do for your country
1. Be loyal to a single person because he's telling you what you want to hear despite of every common sense or 2. Like more and more republicans right now, take your responsibility and work together as a nation instead of your personal interest.
And finally, you had the choice. You made it. Trump have lost the election. He lost the presidency AND the senate. There's is no evidence of any steal. Nothing. Have you considered the possibility that Trump can't accept defeat ? He have never accepted to be a loser. But the reality is that Biden is the president elected and will begin is job Wednesday. Period. You definitely need to move on. This man didn't help your country. This man only tried to help himself. Maybe one day you will see it.
Turbulenz wrote: My door is now and always open to the possibility I was manipulated. But remember, we have a binary choice, Trump or Biden/Harris. Why would you leave the board if it turns out you were wrong? Many, including myself believe the USA is a Republic, not a democracy. Where is your irrefutable evidence? If Trump prevails, it will mean it's still possible, but far from certain, that the country can be salvaged
Sure I will admit I was wrong AND of course I will also leave the board with my apologies.
Problem is if I'm wrong, it means that democracy is dead to your country and you are in deep trouble with the first dictatorship of your history...
But don't worry, the american constitution have demonstrated enough strength and power is wisely distributed to avoid such abuse.
My question is : If you're wrong, will you seek for help, begin to doubt your certitude and open the door for the possibility that you were manipulated ?
Turbulenz wrote: If Trump is still President Wednesday night, will you admit you were wrong and I was right,or will you disappear from this bullboard?