Investors in gold seem to take profits quickely like if day trading.
Until they see the gold bubble rally start to take place like did last spring and move
up another $600 till about august when last year the FED actually came out then
and said there is no need for gold to go up anymore because the new QE money
printing has propped the world economy up
because of er the virus attack on the world, and not their own black swan of over
printing to death the last 10 years.
Translating that means their QE money printing for 10 years doesn't work, is not a
new paradigm where business cycles ends. That's poppycocck and out right lying.
Then developed another lie though a real created lie, of the covid-19 virus taking the
brunt of the cause of the world crash, and a double to triple deception of the FED
and corporate elites on the world, that benefit so much from it.
The 3 deceptions being, (1) the FED won't take responsibility for the depression
we are in,(2) created the covid-19 virus so don't see that, and (3) raised it up to
something it wasn't, a seriousness to close down the planet, (really to control the
derpression without being attacked and overhauled). It's the so called VIRUS's
fault. No it isn't !!!!!
The world is in a police state now, communism by other means. And the polcie
state party (the democrats) seem to be coming into power now.
There is a chance Trump is staging a Russian Yeltsin move no: 2, and doing what
the Republicans traitors wouldn't do in order to get a fair examination of the rigged
US election on Nov 3 and after. That's why the harmless if shocking, riot on the
capital by trump supporters, incidentally egged on by a like of antifa left and BLM
left in the crowd to start the rioting off.
And that is closing down the gov't now
That's very unlikely and wishful thinking. LOL !!!!!!! 1991 communst russia were soft liners then and ready to be fallen. Unfortunately
the US's democratic communists are newly hardliners, just took over after stealing
the election, and are likely to budge.