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Skylight Health Group Inc SLHGF

Skylight Health Group Inc. is a Canada-based healthcare services and technology company. The Company operates a Florida-based primary care health network comprised of physical practices providing a range of services from primary care, sub-specialty, allied health and laboratory/diagnostic testing. The Company is focused on helping small and independent practices shift from a traditional fee-for-service (FFS) model to value-based care (VBC) through tools, including proprietary technology, data analytics and infrastructure. The Company has two segments related to its medical services and software and corporate businesses, which also align with the two countries in which it operates, namely, United States and Canada. It provides a range of healthcare services, including primary and urgent care, sub-specialists, allied health and wellness, and laboratory/diagnostic testing.

GREY:SLHGF - Post by User

Post by ChartGuy88on Jan 19, 2021 4:09pm
Post# 32328978


Bulls..they tried to come out and graze for a minute at the end of the day but Troffer1 scared them off with his insolent yodelling. Testing support levels and my patience levels
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