New presentationThere is a new presentation dated Jan 18. Very interesting with great graphics showing the Berry zone in relation to Leprechaun and Marathon. Berry looks like a mini Leprecaun, not as deep, not as wide and not as long. It only has a quarter of the drilling that Leprecaun had but you can clearly see that while Berry needs to be explored a lot more, the potential will not approach Leprecaun. Market dynamics aside, the clarity of the graphics seems to limit the potential of Berry somewhat and may have caused the share price not to rebound like some others. Look forward to the next round of drilling.
However, when you look at the plan for mine infrastructure , the proximity of the Berry pit to the mill will be strategic. If they can get 300k to 400k ounces, I would say this pit will be developed early, particularly if the stripping ratio is low due to the depth of the pit being less. It will give a longer mine life, shorter haul distance early in the production phase and when the pit is depleted it will provide a place to deposit tailings. They plan to do the same with Leprecaun. It will be interesting to see how this impacts cost in a positive way.