RE:Readers beware: "boazklinghorn" alias joined SH 5 days agostockfy,
I agree with your assessment.
However, when you say his comments are not supported by the company's news, what news are you referring to? It has been 3 months since any news was actually released by the company.
There have been many statements made but when you use the terms "not supported" or "unsubstantiated", that is exactly what the company statements are, "not supported and unsubstanitated". Without news to support those statements, all you have is conjecture.
It is high time that those fuzzy statements turned into news releases. It has been 1 year sinc the news of the Health Canada Cannabis research license was issued to Ceapro. Not one word anywhere with regards to what the status is of the progress or the partner. The statement in the news release is below. Note the hi-light in yellow. If it was so signifcant, why have we not heard anything?
""This is a significant moment in Ceapro's history. We have been working for the last three years on the development of unique delivery systems using our disruptive PGX technology for multiple applications," commented Gilles Gagnon, MSc, MBA, president and chief executive officer of Ceapro. "Today, given the growing body of evidence that the potential for cannabis lies with its medicinal properties and given that the low oral bioavailability of cannabinoids has prompted the development of various methods of administration, we are confident that our unique PGX technology might be a solution to overcome absorption limitations or improve current marketed formulations. By utilizing our PGX technology, we believe we will be able to create a formulation that brings cannabis in a 'faster-to-the-blood-the-better' way with the lowest dose that will provide the most benefits to the patients as well as offer the best side effect profile."