excellentThanks! for the report Jim, very cool of you, Insider buying is nice to see, i like the idea of FT trucking Goods to the people , dont down play the Recycling play on the Refinery , makes it more Green friendly just like Bismuth is a helper at Nico,, helps sell the enviro side , Re guardless of the proof of saftey in sask, it was on a aquifer, could the sask party not have found FT a similar site elsware we would be far advanced in our progress. Cobalt is here to stay , its not just cars that need it, FT is in a "sweet spot " for the next 5 years as the EV/ Green momentum gains ground quickly and China dominates Refining,, makes our Refinery and Fcc ideal maybe even Vital given world politics, for USA consumtion. just like the first 100 days in Biden plan , our next 100 days will bee fun , i am assuming,,, lol cheers!