RE:RE:RE:RE:Agoracom Interview?yeah I think it'll be the Q4 explanation of the financials, same as the proactive video, except George will have his eye make up on both eyes.
JetsFanYEG wrote: Don't you think it will be the same as the latest ProActive video? Aka just a recp of the Q4 guidance. Seems like everytime ProActive does one of these little videos Agoracom has a similar one almost right away.
itwillbeoknowok wrote: In my opinion I think you are correct that Agoracom jumped the gun with the tweet and George is likely getting ripped on his tweet, as he likely has to sign a confidentiality agreement. His tweet has caused a lot of people to ask questions, questions that Peter did not want to be asked.
I am guessing todays HPQ news is not what the video is about, I think there are other items in the hopper.
Whatever it is it is causing some excitement and has everyone guessing.