RE:wildhorse65Did anybody else go to the Zoom meeting today?
Sounds like the Premier amendment will be submitted this coming week. The water treatment plant will have to double in size. But, typically Deryk said it takes 7 months from time of submission to approval. Ball and sag mill due to arrive end of June 2021. Then it will be about a year to set everything up and go into production. To my math that sounds like August 2022. So this time next year things will start heating up. In the meantime, maybe next conference, if PR hasn't picked up, I'll make that suggestion. There is no good reason that we are trading at these miserly levels. Totally frustrating how they don't promote or update frequently enough for me. But, if you can get Deryk in front of you, he's open and knowledgable and forthcoming. You are NEVER going to get positive feedback amongst shareholders with no information. Leaving shareholders to connect imaginary dots is a recipe for discent. Kristina Howe is the shareholders relations person. Maybe an email to her would help. I know this story intimately and it's a GREAT story and GREAT play. But, even I get stressed out and pissed off. There is no good reason to leave everyone wondering all the time. If you miss a promised deadline or are going to miss one, get on the PR person and get the message out regarding how late and why. Weekly updates would push this thing because there is no bad news. We are a fully financed burgeoning mine. All they're doing now is trying to explore more of the 25,000 hectares of land and connect what they have, which is A LOT OF EFFING GOLD AND SILVER. C'mon Ascot!!!!