An encouraging move
Nice advance in the last few days, albeit from an extremely low base.
I doubt there's any one reason for the turnaround, but rather a combination of factors, including:
• The end of tax loss selling season. With stocks in general having had a good year, many investors dumped their "dogs" late in the year to offset taxable profits. That dumping is now over.
• Some evidence of worlwide food inflation, encouraging growers to expand their cultivated areas into marginal soils requiring more fertilizer.
• New POTUS opening southern US border. God-awful idea, in my opinion, but it will provide cheap farm labor, and encourage more planting, and of course more fertilizer use.
• Continued instability in the Western Sahara - Morocco situation. I suspect that more countries will stop importing phos rock from Western Sahara than will increase their imports.
I'm a long-time long with a substantial holding of DRRSF on the Nasdaq exchange, with an average entry of US 45¢. So, obviously, I've been wrong. Or, as I prefer to call it, too early. But I remain stubbornly optimistic. Fertilizer is finally coming around; Arianne's physical supply of phosphate is sizeable and high quality; and international politics is on our side.
Good luck to all.