AIR CANADA...Air Canada could be the next big order. In this link Air Canada said" A study of international travellers arriving at Toronto Pearson Airport, preliminary results indicate that testing can provide an effective, responsible alternatives to facilitate the safe relaxation of quarantine".
Air Canada is presently buying tests from Abbott's & Datametrex(trusted by the Canadian Government coud give DM a small advantage).
In 2019 Air Canada had 52 million passengers.
In 2019 Wesjet had 25 million passengers.
If these Airplanes Company want their passengers back, they will have to start testing passengers very soon.
Datametrex said about Air Canada " There is a lots of work behind the scene(with Air Canada), as that materialize we will be putting news out about it".
In a rush to get back their passengers. Big tests order from Airplanes Company could be coming faster than expected.