Bonehead BidenSo Bonehead's first day in office was to put 11K pipeline workers out of work with the stroke of a pen. Trump put them to work on his day one and Bonehead fired them on his day one. Bonehead clearly doesn't appreciate the contribution that the energy sector makes to society. The old man can no longer speak without sounding like he has marbles in his mouth and he should be playing checkers in a seniors facility and not be starting one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Bonehead is being selfish for putting his legacy ahead of the well being of others.
Having said that, Bonehead could be good for the price of oil. The laws of supply and demand still apply regardless of who is in office and if Bonehead continues to try restrict supply with draconian energy policies, then the price of oil will increase. Changing the demand habits of oil consumers is an extremely difficult long term task. Bonehead will be well gone before that happens.