Eric sprott called this the next voiseys bay
a few years ago eric sprott called this discovery the next voiseys bay. What I find quite funny is how his own employee Rick Rule says that the holes don't impress him and that it used to be a darling stock but not anymore. This is classic "commentary manipulation". Its a risky play so don't put money in you can't afford to lose. But eric has lost the most in reality even though it is an unrealized loss. Why would a billionare mining mogul invest so much into a company and let his own employee bash it soon after ? Sure he's wealthy and can afford to lose and sit on a loss until its no longer a loss. Why hasn't he bought more GGI while its at a low attractive price? Because if he did it would signal another large increase for the stock which would then be sold off and shorted by those who follow sprotts movements. He's simply waiting for Fundamentals to come into play and hopefully for GGI to pull a voiseys bay and sell the property off to the highest bidder. At this point who knows they make it so difficult and mysterious that it hurts your brain to even try to think about it. And that's their goal. To psych you out. Investing really isn't about Fundamentals anymore. Its about loading people up on so much information that they don't know what to do. This is today's world... where people are so rich that their money dictates what happens instead of what should happen. Enjoy