RE:RE:RE:RE:Patchh is lie posting as a way to bash LAC as he is a short ()( 909 )( the oct 2019 document had a batt fab permitted for that LAC SIte..
here is wher i am miffed !!!!
the ROD from 2019 (on the surface - nohting in BLM past 2019 ROD) had the fab permitted and good to go ! the perrmit was signed in Jan 15-2021 // i cannot find the final permit copy..
presently, again i am probably incorrect: Panasonic is manufacturing the EV Batts for tesla - this is is timbuk200Japan.. that a long way for a supply - just in time delivery.. this is a large dimensional device
not a lot of moving parts.. similar in design to a transformer.. i presume many companies can produce the tesla EV Batt.. what i don't kno ! is how big a plant do U need.. how many people.. is the plant going to be robotic and require complex technical ankamerik's.. or is it a large fab plant w a few sky cranes and hand fab - assembly line..
in theory that LAC permit w bat fab could B split off to a third party vendor in that immediate area..
but will a batt mfg need a permit that deals w surface alterations and a full blownEIA w a BLM/EPA/NEVMine permit..
why not head to an industrial park..
to me it would B a canned hunt to simply ship a finished battery @ that lak mine/mill..
as 2 c ash on hand.. LAC has plenty to get the ball rolling..
iof You know of a couple battery manufactures w modern plants.. i would like to hear their names or NYSE tik Symbols... they are fair game to hold positions - now - and not some news bambang