Although DM is much farther ahead & much better capitalizedThere are a couple things to gleam from these Start-Ups.
One: New entrants seeing the large prize in what up to last few years has been a relatively uncrowded space are here now and growing.
Ultimately most will gain some sort of a market share toehold and shrink the pie chart, but it still remains a very very big pie.
It is very important that DM keeps a eye on these
up & comers and make sure to remain ahead of the herd and spot the right teams to possibly acquire especially with the mindset to broaden their geographical footprint.
The entry into RPT with 7-11 , launch of SMART, South Korea International Airport, and move into TeleHealth to me are examples Gunter & team are all to aware.
I will say some in this startup group appear to be doing a rather good job getting their message out with the right MSM’s
DM does seem to be doing a not bad job getting their message with the Cdn micro-cap investor network.
Marshall mentioned he has a large USA marketing plan to coincide when the OTCQB Up-List occurs
(I wonder if it’s Health Canada that’s approving that too:-)))
I’d also like to see them get off the vulture exchange & go for a big board listing on the TSX complimented with management bartering for a BNN Bloomberg interview of Marshall in return for taking out a one year running add on their channel.