Well the worse is outAs i was saying this weekend the new just got out, It his confirmed that the African strain of covid 19 is not responding to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
Now this vaccine suppliers are working day and night to try to adapt to the new strains coming out.
And the world scientist are very worried about all new strains of the convic because
It is mutating at an alarming rate, faster then the suppliers can handle.
So get ready for the extra demande for the anti-body testing kit, the demande will be so large
that they will have to expend. (more staff)
Mark my word covid is not over for an other 2 years before they handle it, and manage all new strain.
The one vaccinated now, will not be protected by the end of the year, then the suppliers will have 1 chance on 10 or 20 type of mutation to get the right vaccine available.
Not looking good so those test are here to stay.