More financing doneHope we are getting closer to have real news which we have not gotten since 1.5 years ago:
So last week's news (January 19) on financing showed: 1.9 Million shares at $0.255,
33,257 at $0.66 and
939,000 at $0.69,
allof these, plus cheap warrants.
So now they have again proceeded with some financing:
5.6 Million shares at $0.43 which was set based on SP of December 3 (see link below): Another financing which was for 972,000 shares at $0.68 & $0.69 (see link below): With all of these new financing, obviously include cheap warrants so we sit at 49.9 Million shares and moving up
The debt settlement at $0.255 was done by two individuals out of BC per the above. In My Opinion, we know that it is likely the same individuals that lent their paper to the 2 funds in accordance with the August 2019 Lending Agreement.
In My Opinion, CDS & Co is likely buying the warrants being sold in advance of some news that will be issued in the near future. IMO, CDS & Co will then sell their paper at one point to make up for the loss incurred when they were borrowing the paper. IMO, the lenders will buy back their paper and will recuperate their loss with the cheap paper handed out. Just my opinion based on my simple observations made.