Summary of Orefinders Drilling CampaignI managed to take some notes durring Ore Day from Dr. Keith Benn's presentation, (VP of Exploration).
I will summarize by time line.
Currently: Tyranite Area is being drilled. As of Jan. 22, 4500 of 5600 meters has been drilled. There are 13 holes being drilled here. Historically, 31,000 ozs of gold was mined here in the 1940s.
February 2021: Porphery Lake is being drilled. Mainly shallow holes, 7 drill holes, they will spend 3.5 weeks drilling here.4 shallow targets + 3 Minto Type targets. Historically, there has been very little drilling here. Recently there was a newly recognized structure found here that runs through to the Duggan area, and this is a wild card for this drilling area.
March 2021: Duggan Project: located 2000 meters west of Tyranite area. Comprises of Sedimentary rock, 3000 meters total drilling is planned here. 4 deep holes are planned. A 3D adversion model done here indicates a similarity to the tyranite formation.
End of March 2021: Mirrado Project, South of Kirkland Lake. One goal is to expand the MZ zone extension. Currently there is 400K ozs inferred in this open pit style mine area. I didn't write down how many meters will be drilled here.