Aarman4 wrote: StairwayTo,
I recommend doing your own due dilligence, rather than attempting to ask the random and anonymous stockhouse posters like me for answers to your questions that are already answered thoroughly, repeatedly, and at length by the company and CEO in News Releases, and media releases(such as agoracom video and investor demo's, etc).
Now, you shouldn't take my word for it, as I am an anonymous and random stockhouse poster, and if you are unwilling to take the companies word, or CEO Pascali's word for it, then why in the heck would you ever invest here?
The answer to your questions exist from the company, but I will just go off my (likely inacurate, but true in spirit) answers that I have in my head that satisfied my need to know these same things earlier.
SITUATION - StairwayTo doesn't understand why it would take so long to go from modelling to contracts.
POSSIBLE REALITY 1 - StairwayTo doesn't believe that building multi-million dollar contracts for items might have a long time cycle from modelling until signed contract. Possibly because StairwayTo believes that this is an already assembled unit, sitting on a shelf and ready to go.Possibly because StairwayTo has never bought a car, or a home, or an insurance policy, or a pair of custom made shoes, and has never experienced the delays involved when you make such purchases of nominal value, much less how that time frame may increase as the value and liability issues of said items or products increases.
POSSIBLE REALITY 2 - StairwayTo is new to investing, and has yet to have invested in a company that requires patience before his gains are made......This is under the assumption that StairwayTo would have purchased when the share price was in the $4.50 to $6.00 range, because if StairwayTo was invested prior to the stock rising to that range, then their returns would currently be smashing the market averages, and the question they pose would be incredibly silly as an expecation of 100% per annum returns will fade quickly as your riches overcome your ability to make that level of return quite quickly.
POSSIBLE REALITY 3 - StairwayTo is invested in sowing doubt or negativity in the stock, and has something to gain should the share price go down. If that is the case, I don't mind if he is successful, as I will gladly buy should he push it down to my buying level, but I just wish that manipulation of others wasn;t how this person saw themselves making money in life. Karma is real, best of luck if this is you.
SITUATION 2 - StairwayTo asks how long it would take for 4 torches to be shipped and tested on site..
POSSIBLE REALITY 1 - StairwayTo doesn't believe when the CEO and company share in their news releases and interviews that the lead time is 4 weeks to several months for manufacture, and then a bit longer for installation.
POSSIBLE REALITY 2 - StairwayTo is new to investing, and is impatient, and preferring a stock price change more than they want what is best for the company. StairwayTo does not subscribe to Warren Buffett's idea of becoming an "owner" of a company, as opposed to a "trader" of company stock. As an owner, StairwayTo would only be interested in the company making sure they are executing their plan, and the future looks bright, both of which are happening right now.
POSSIBLE REALITY 3 - StairwayTo is invested in sowing doubt or negativity in the stock, and has something to gain should the share price go down. If that is the case, I don't mind if he is successful, as I will gladly buy should he push it down to my buying level, but I just wish that manipulation of others wasn;t how this person saw themselves making money in life. Karma is real, best of luck if this is you.
StairwayTo, might I direct you to Sedar.com for doing more research on the company and it's plans. Might I also direct you to their own website to educate yourself on their offerings. Might I also direct you to Agoracom or youtbe to watch the numerous video releases that the company has made, in which the CEO answers many of your questions.
Cheers to you, and health to your family, no matter your situation... A tip though - Patience.
StairwayTo wrote: Should we start thinking after nearly 3 months since the quote, that client B is no longer interested?
I don't understand why a purchaser would take that long, after doing all the modeling and moving to contract negotiation, getting a quote from your supplier should only take a few days or weeks for approval.
And if the eventually agreed, how long will it take for the 4 torches be made, shipped and tested on site, before subsequent orders, knowing it takes up to 4 months for the 1 torche for client A
i think we are far from some predictions of 100+ or 500+ torches in 2021 would you agree?