RE:Off-take end of March
maybe I'm out to lunch.. but assuming the news is of a binding deal, and a good one at that, I don't think 1/2x-1x potential earnings is out of the question.. once we're up and running full scale we'll be 8mtpa.. even at say $150/ton, and $5 per % over benchmark (6), makes it $180/ton.. so $1,440B revenue.. 41% IRR pre tax makes it $590.4m.. half of that would be $295.2m.. I think fully diluted we're at 342m shares right now.. so like $0.86/share.. those are USD figures so like cad$1.10/share at today's exchange rate.. variations could come from dilution, a different multiplier on potential earnings, a different long term iron ore price used to calculate, a different purity premium.. there's lots of moving parts.. let me know if there are any glaring issues with my logic or math