RE:Hello, tbnorthstar!waldenpawned111 wrote: Hi, I hope your day is off to a good start.
I'm quite new to this company. Do you have a general sense of what the turnover time is for getting core analysis? Are they using a lab in South America, or are they shipping cores home? Also, based on the most recent results, any idea when to expect the next batch of results?
Thanks in advance for any input you're able to offer.
take care, Walden
Yes, I have an idea of timelines involved here and yes, the assays are being done in South America. Next batch of results are due in February and by that I mean not next week. You can be sure they are pushing the lab to get them done ASAP, and I can confirm thru sources there are no present backlogs in Bolivia. Can't comment here any further.
Good luck waldenponded111