RE:One drug company will push the offersteamfitter wrote: I believe there are a few drug companies trading shares back a forth keeping the price down each day.
There will be one greedy one that will break ranks and soon.
One that they don't expect.
The testing is just starting to begin in the United States. Howevery they all ready know the results up in Canada.
It will be an offer of only 30 days I believe. Just after the first results come in from the new sites.
Be ready to say no to the offer. There will be many more when everyone knows this is a true cure.
Just my opinion Just my believe.
Now guys you can jump all over it to try to keep the price down and your employers happy.
If it happens like you say it will probably be a too low offer at first. Like you say we should reject it. They will try to keep SP down. It might be a great thing if Canada regulators outlaw the shorting. With TLTs luck it will probably only happen on the Toronto xchange. :-(