RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:DelayQT & priceless, you guys seem rather new here? how long have you been in this for? everyone else i recognize as being 10 year+ wily ole veterans....veterans who've been burnt multiple times...veterans who in my humble opinion are allowed to vent all they want...
"some dilution" !?!? any clue as to how much.? do you have any idea how much dilution we've already suffered thru the years, only to rack up failure after failure? or how much we'd need to fully fund the trial? and more "we're so excited" from the company than i can count, and certainly more "we're so excited" than is allowed given the dismal stock 'returns'. Are we gonna dilute massive massive amounts to fully fund the trial? Or we gonna partially dilute hoping we get a halt halfway thru for efficacy? were you guys around when we first got Hepalink, and DM said it would fully fund BoM1? how'd that work out for us? (again, how long have u been here?)
also, your numbers don't really make sense, i know they're just spit ballin, but still,
"A BP could offer a staged buyout with an upfront payment now and final buyout say $2 billion versus RVX internally funding themselves and getting say $6 Billion if the betonmace trial is succesful , just guessing numbers "
final buyout of 2B!? or even 6B. when we've been told all along we're at least 8-10 B? no be plenty more pi$$ed off if we went for a fire sale, bargain basement price of 2B, even 6B at the end. nope, we've talked about 10B for YEARS (if uve followed and been around ud recognize this)
there is such a thing as toxic positivity... toxic positivity is the excessive and ineffective overgeneralization of a happy, optimistic state across all situations. The process of toxic positivity results in the denial, minimization, and invalidation of the authentic human emotional experience.
and we have DM and co to thank for the emotional experience, don't we? and you dont say anything about anyone being tired of all the koolaid gang, .so the koolaid gang is the only stuff we're allowed?
puke...... just sayin.....