Interesting Don't k ow where these guys pull this information but this could be actually out last sink if these are true I will late from yahoo what y'all think
Had time to review the prospectus from the most recent bought deal and some great takeaways were found.
Kolab automation with this deal is now fully funded
They anticipate having enough funds for the next twelve months (estimated $52.4 million used of the $63.1 million in funds available) not including the Trichome line of credit
$1.9 million of the previous bought deal is being used for ethanol extraction at Dosecann
$3.5 million to Robinsons (curious to know what is going on here!)
Sales increased 80% from Q2 to Q3 and they anticpate this trend to continue referencing more capacity via Dosecann
Just read that Sunens second phase is approved and operational and third phase may be approved this quarter. over 400k square f