RE:years from now.... Ah oh wise one...who is now the student....and not the parent or teacher here...and who probably got left holding GME today........(GME aka GiveMEmoney) the following applies because at some point when CRDL is a Billion Dollar Company you are going to wish you hadn't gone down the wrong road...
If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.
I will be back at you and Mapleleaf57 in the next 12 months when CRDL is a Billion Dollar Company! I very much look forward to it!
GiveMeMoney wrote: ...when a parent passes on to their offspring the savings they put together for them as they're off to university, and clearly CRDL shares will be included, 'coz some brokers/analysts/insiders are screaming "IT'S GONNA!!" the kid is going to ask "Mom, why are you giving me these, they're terrible example of a way to invest money?" And the Mom will simply say: "Yes daughter, but they're a great way to build up your patience, fortitude and resolve. Like they built up in me. I could have sent you off to university in a Tesla: instead you got a Honda beater."
And when CRDL has completely diluted itself to pay the salaries of Red Skelton 'n the crew, with no profit forseeable..and everyone knows the 'other partner' is going to take the lion's share of the net only a foolish youth would value 100,000 $0.73 cent shares.
It's gonna pop...
note today's volume (as usual) = manipulated.